
2025 REGISTRATION - deadline is February 28, 2025

Our community league runs from the start of April to the end of June.

U7 (2018/2019) Mondays and Wednesdays TBD - City of Kelowna Parks $175 (Price also includes year-end tournament and t-shirt)
U9 (2016/2017) Mondays and Wednesdays TBD - City of Kelowna Parks $175 (Price also includes year-end tournament and t-shirt) 
U11 (2014/2015) Tuesdays and Thursdays TBD - City of Kelowna Parks $300 (Price also includes two tournaments, jersey and socks) 
U13 (2012/2013) Mondays and Wednesdays High Noon Park and Okanagan parks $350 (Price also includes three tournaments, jersey and socks)
U15 (2010/2011) Tuesdays and Thursdays High Noon Park and Okanagan parks $350 (Price also includes three tournaments, jersey and socks)
U17 (2008/2009) Mondays and Wednesdays Mostly High Noon Park $350 (Price also includes three tournaments, jersey and socks)
U20 (2005/2006/2007) Mondays and Wednesdays Mostly High Noon Park $350 (Price also includes three tournaments, jersey and socks)


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Our games, practices, and tournaments could not happen without the support from volunteers. As part of registration with our association, we require at least one parent/guardian from each family to volunteer a minimum of four hours through their player's team. If you cannot volunteer then a $100 buy-out must be paid.

Coaches, assistant coaches, team managers, and scorekeepers will automatically be credited with the four hours.

The Head Coach for each team receives one free player registration.  If you would like to apply for a head coach position, you must apply through our online form


Kidsport British Columbia and Canadian Tire's Jumpstart provide individual grants to families to support kids' participation in sports. Visit their website to apply for a grant or learn more. 


For additional information or questions about registration, please contact KMFS registrar at


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